Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wk 4 Wimba Reflections

How could I have forgotten about Wimba?

The Art of Possibility

Very true... not such a gap between us and the veteran teachers.  We are being given tools (that are ever changing/expanding) to stave off burnouts.  We have to use these tools to make our environments ever changing as opposed to stagnant.
I don't watch Oprah and haven't heard about The Power of Positive Thinking.  But, I enjoyed the book because it had me examining my own life- personal and professional. I have even adopted Rule Number 6.  It's not easy but calls for a consciousness of being and as with anything, that takes time to 'perfect', for I will always be a work in progress.

The chapter about being the Board... maybe because I did not quite get it and I think it was a good chapter, something I need to revisit over and over again until I get it. To understand that I am an active participant as I travel this road, to open myself up to the different possibilities and probabilities... I am not even sure as I write this if that is what being the Board is all about...

Rule Number 6... that is such an important life lesson.  Some people in academia do take themselves and their work environment so seriously, as if it could not exist without them.  They are the best at everything, criticizing others (especially in front of the students).  It is amazing to me that it can become such a 'cut throat' environment- it is as if some educators have forgotten that it is about the students...

Leadership Project so far...

I still have to submit my application to publish... a bit apprehensive, but I've got to do it.

Wow! Month 12 is almost (finally) here... This has certainly been a journey for me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing and interacting with the archive.
